Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hey dudes. I\m curentlly in a bar in the night district of Tokushima, listening to my coworkers play a drinking game based on Superhero nicknames and the sound of Leonard Cohen (of all people) smoking away on the stereo. It@s called for reasons currently unkown to me and this is my 1st time typing on a Japanese keyboard, so I apologize if it:s awful. Today at work it was interesting as usual, and I had my share of good and uncomfortably awful classes. Tomorrow is my 1st day teaching kids, so I;m slightly nervous, but tonight was (and is) the goodbye/welcome party (goodbye Shona and Alex, hello me) party, so mostly right now I;m a little inebriated and dreading the bike ride home. All my coworkers are awesome, and I mostly like the bike ride to work, although today I ask * PLEASE SARAH, WILL YOU SEND MY BIKE HELMET, I THINK IT:s IN THE BARN ON THE HANDLEBARS OF MY ONE-SPEED because today it was raining and snowing and sleeting and I have never had such a piss-awful bike ride in my life. I was rear^ended by a school-girl on the big bridge and I was freezing and cussing and blowing all over the place. Next, on the busy road past the bridge, I tried to pass a woman pushing her scooter along the side of the road, slipped and up-unded my bike, luckily jumping off to the SIDE of the road as my bike flipped and punched a hole in my plastic umbrella (which was stolen from my bike sometime while I was at work)^^ at any rate, I was pumped full of adrenelaine by the time I showed up for class. Any way, it had stopped snowing by the time I hit Tokushima proper after work, and was only threatened by the gentle pitter^patter of the bird ^droppings from the myriad of birdies parked along the wires above the road on the ride home. They were CUTE until I could hear the 'pi^ta^pata-pita' of poop on the pavement. OK, so that:s it for tonight. I need a real keyboard$$!

1 comment:

Lady K said...

They stole your personalized, birthday umbrella? There will be awful karma for them because of it...

Is it just me or are you going to the pub a lot? :)

Happy Quirkyalone Day!