I asked my students to write about their Christmas vacations or their new year's resolutions... it wouldn't be fair if I didn't do the same. Here I go...
My New Year's Resolutions for 2010
Be patient and secure in the thought that the universe is unfolding as it should.
Find more purpose and passion in my life.
Eat more colourful foods.
Go back to Maui during the summer, and paint, paint, paint.
Paint, pant, paint... all the time.
Find a studio to share with Carlie.
Uphold my creative dreams as sacred and vital.
Respect my need for rest as much as I respect my need to work and my right to play.
Really understand all of the English verb tenses.
Manage my resources (time, money, food, relationships, inspiration) wisely, gratefully, and joyfully.
Finish more than 50% of what I start.
Defend my choices. Even against my own bitterness and doubts. Defend them!
Continue to be grateful for the goodness and gifts in my life.
Move forward.