Monday, July 10, 2006

I have hot water, a vacuum cleaner, a toaster, a blender, a futon, a stereo, some plants, a small glass table and a little rice-paper lamp. All set!

I've been in to the BuBu shop more than usual due to its convienient proximity. Lately he's taken to explaining an ancient Chinese story to me each time I go in. Today's story was about The Super Monkey. Bubu told it to me to illustrate the relationship he has with his wife:

"The Super Monkey could fly a long long ways without stopping! One day, this monkey meets the Buddha. The Buddha says to him, 'Go, then!' So the Monkey, he flies, flies, flies a long, long ways. The monkey, he comes to... these five. (here we stopped and Bubu drew a picture and I explained to him that the word he was looking for was 'pillars'.) So, the monkey comes to these 5 pillars. He flies, the middle one, he makes a mark. Then he flies back long way to the Buddha. The monkey says, 'I flew very far away, which one?' The Buddha says, 'this one.' (Here, Bubu holds up his hand and points to his middle finger. Then stares at me poignantly, waiting for enlightenment to strike.) You understand? The Buddha is so big, everywhere, and very wise and clever. The middle one, is only the Buddha finger. The monkey thinks he is so clever! She is the Buddha-- and I, am the monkey! Super Monkey!"

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