Thursday, March 06, 2008

There are two fundamental rules of nature. Well, actually, there are hundreds, but instead of poking our heads into the mating rituals of dung beetles, let's focus.

One rule is abundance.

The other rule is scarcity.

And whichever one you believe in the most-- that is the one that you will attract.

The idea is that abundance attracts abundance, so I must immediatley drop my fear-based attitude of "I don't have enough," and instead give and receive freely, sound in the comfort that I will always have enough of the things I need to live bountifully.

A beautiful idea, and one that I have come to (and retreated from) repeatedly over the past few years. I guess the question that always sends me retreating is along the lines of: "When Mastercard calls looking for a payment, how do I explain that I am waiting for the abundance of the universe to deliver?"

Just kidding. Kind of.


phone_phobic said...

oh endrene-san, wise, so wise indeed.
What is this new goal you have? (Ryan says Is it to make SPAM tasty?)
Are the winds of indicision are blowing?...nope it's just kitten fluffs.

phone_phobic said...
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phone_phobic said...
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