Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hope I haven't given the impression that I'm not going to write about my life in Japan anymore. However, a series of unpleasantries has made me less than enthusiastic for my present situation. So while I sort myself out, I hereby submit the following results from (thanks for the link, Lady K) for your amusement, and as kind of 'Under Construction, Your Patience is Appreciated' sign.

What will my epitath say? Endrene, Gone Underground for Good

How will I be defined in the dictionary? Endrene (noun): an immortal

Who should paint my portrait? Pablo Picasso (which is weird, because I really don't like him. Besides, he's dead.)

How psychic am I? 73% (???)

Oooookayyy. Think I've had enough fun-time. Time for Relax-time. More Youtube. Maybe the Muppet Show. I'll write again when I've got some semblance of a life again.

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