Thursday, January 25, 2007

I have an enormous crush on Shokupanman, a flying superhero bread-man, although to be honest, Anpan (sweet bean buns) are the tastiest. So, it's no wonder that Anapnman is the most popular of these bizarre anime characters.

Now I'm off to the stone-artist's shop to purchase myself my final and long-coveted birthday present with the money that mom and dad sent me... a one-foot high granite Shokupanman sculpture, destined to be my greatest and most apt memento of my life in Japan. Apt because he is carved in stone like so manymanymany of the buddhas and oni and guardians of the shrines that I have observed and been observed by. And because he is a flying bread-man superhero. He doesn't make sense! He is Japan! He is cute nonsensical ridiculousness, guardian of his secret headquarters deep inside Toaster Mountain, captured in his tasty heroic pose forever!


Lady K said...

This does not surprise me in the least. It's why I like you...

phone_phobic said...

Vive les Capricorns!!
I love it! Bread superheros! Surely shokupanman can have a Canadian cousin hero...HotDonutMan.
My Birthday splurge is a mortifyingly fantastic Scottish grouse foot antique broach that looks like the foot of my dog Binki..rrrowww furry-goodness.

Lady K said...

Oh, I've tagged you with a meme on my blog... Please, don't hate me.