Saturday, January 13, 2007

Reasons to Go

* I don't feel respected by my company
* I'm dreaming about being home every other night
* I want to be a grown-up, which means advancing myself and challenging myself
*The things I crave are not available to me here; namely a broader sense of community (apart from the small community of teachers and assorted English-speaking pirates of Tokushima)
*I want to have more and better access to natural spaces
*I miss my family and friends
*I'd like to live in a bigger apartment
*I'd like to engage in more in-depth conversations than allowed by current language barriers
*I'd like to start a family at some point; I can't imagine subjecting my future children to the Japanese school system (not that I can say a great amount of nice things in favour of the Canadian school system)
*I'd like to stop feeling enormous on a daily basis, because I'M NOT ENORMOUS
*Because... I feel like it's time to go

Reasons to Stay

*Japanese food, Japanese food, Japanese food, OH! Japanese food!
*Japanese young men (my new gold standard for gorgeousness)
*My students
*There's still SO MUCH I haven't seen or done or tasted or experienced; Sumo, the Sapporo Snow Festival, Dogo Onsen, Hiroshima...
*Japanese influence on my art practices and daily manners
*I haven't learned enough Japanese to be satisfied with my progress... then again, I haven't exactly tossed my entire being into the pursuit of language acquisition

Wow. I'm surprised by the weakness of my Reasons to Stay list. Especially since I know very well that I can get most of the ingredients I need for my favorite Japanese foods at the T&T supermarkets in the greater Vancouver area. And that there are a lot of good-looking Asian dudes in the greater Vancouver area too... And I just reviewed my Reasons to Go list, and I think the last statement says it best, and most succinctly. Why talk your heart into something that it already knows is wrong?

Any recommendations as to where to find the cheapest flights online?


Lady K said...

Wow, didn't expect that...

Sounds like it's time to return to the land of the maple leaf. But as I suspect you have gypsy toes, I figure this is just a rest stop on your way to another adventure.

Are you leaving right away?!? Should I hang on to this package I was going to mail today?

Caramel Fritter said...

Well as your local tour expediter I suggest you look at the flight center. They are very reasonable, often have good sales, and they are dependable unlike a number of online "cheap flight" providers.
I would also suggest that you have your flight directed to Victoria instead of Vancouver so we can pick you up, take you on a lovely, partially snowcapped journey to our lovely nature infused hometown of Courtenay where you can find a multitude of sushi restaurants...I actually have yet to go to one (I am poor) but they are here (I have gone to one actually a few times in Naniamo that is FANTASTIC, SUPER GOOD). We unfortunately for you have a very small population of Japanese men... however we do have plenty of rednecks and the largest per capita number of individuals in Canada that consider themselves as "Artists" and we have a spare bed where you can sleep and sleep and sleep, until you decide to go to Malespina and get your education degree and teach little nose wipers a thing or two.
Jessica is painting again, AND I pushed her enough and she entered a gallery with her portfolio. They liked her work and will bake a decision in the next couple of weeks. So she may be a busy girl. They like her work, however they also were pretty firm describing the type of work they would like to see from Jessica, and that may be an issue down the line. We will see. I am getting ahead of myself as they have not yet said yes your in. just a sort of.
Another reason for you to visit/stay here.. It is Jessica's B day and that would be coolie-o and we missed yours (I actually don't know when it is) so we need to celebrate.. AND this is important. I reallllly like to cook (in ovens as well) and Günter’s' meat in Courtenay has the BEST DAMNED HAM I have EVVVVER eaten including any ham I have ever had cooked by my own mother...and she would totally agree. DAMN that is goooooood HAM.
mmmmm Ham.