Monday, May 11, 2009

Ah, family. Setting - Fancy winery for mother's day breakfast.

Grandad: Endrené, you've got some food on your chin.

Endrené: (wipes chin vigourously with both hands) Did I get it?

Grandad: Nope, it's right-- there (points to own chin).

Endrené: (wipes again) Now? Is it gone?

Grandad: No-- ahh... I think it's just a big pimple.

Endrené: (affronted) What? (touches chin again) Ah, I think that's just my mole.

Grandad: What mole?

Endrené: Umm, well, it's been there for at least twenty years...

Grandad: Are you sure it's not a pimple?

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