Wednesday, May 06, 2009

For the first time in the nearly two years that we have been (were) together, Nate read my blog. Not all of it, I don't think. I don't even know if he'll continue, and read this.

This disconcerts me.

Why didn't he ever read it before?
Would it have made any difference?
Who am I writing this for, anyway?

I started this blog to chronicle my adventures when I was living in Japan. These days, I don't really feel like I have anything that is worth public perusal, so I've reverted to writing my private (paper) journals. I'll write again when I feel like I have something worthwhile to say.

In the meantime, Namaste.

1 comment:

Lovely Leslie said...

my Hubby read my blog for the first time a few weeks ago, He said he just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything bad about him, lol He didn't comment more then that....

I hope you continue to blog, I like "spying" on your life, You are still the same Enderbee I knew as a kid but yet so different...Bit as cool as always ;)