Monday, May 11, 2009

I AM the Phantom of the Opera!

Well, I got the job. My techie/security part-time position at the Cleland theatre. Now I just have to learn the ropes and keep my job. Let's face it... electronic equipment? Microphones, wires, 'snakes', splitters, uh.... things I call 'thingers'? These things are not a natural part of my mind-set. I have a lot of lingo to learn. And some black clothing to buy.

I like the 'being in the theatre' part of the job. I like that I get to drift through the wings in the dark, spying and assessing. I like the feel of the theatre; the smell of it, the grandeur of the space, the sacredness of it. It's like a church, with swearing allowed.

Friday night was the Miss Penticton talent show. That was me, thirteen years ago. Strange to be on the other side of the experience, both in terms of my new job, and in that I have all those years behind me now. Would I do it again? Hard to say. But the girls really do get a lot out of the experience, in terms of an education not offered at school-- etiquette training, public speaking, some modelling training-- there are little things you learn about being a 'lady' that just aren't so important to the general populace anymore. Things like the correct way to get in and out of a car in a dress and high-heels, and how to go up and down stairs in a way that is most becoming. Sometimes when I think of these things, the feminist side of me scoffs. But the other (perhaps more powerful) non-feminist side of me is glad that I know these tricks of the trade. I mean, knowing the proper way to politely eat a whole artichoke... that is priceless.

Anyway. Today we're setting up a big screen. I'll be taking notes. I wonder what the show will be tonight?


Gia said...

Theatres are indeed a magical place. I've been a costumer/make up person for my school's theatre department for the last three years, and I've loved every minute of it.

Congrats on the nifty new job!

endrene said...

Thanks Gia. I'm happy about it, though the truth is that my back-ground has more to do with costuming and make-up as well.

I'll just keep pretending I know what I'm doing until I actually do know what I'm doing!