Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am listening to mixed tapes from and mowing my way through a bag of Hallowe’en candy that Pat’s mom brought for him. Sorry Pat… I’ll get you more if you wake up tomorrow and go- “What the hell? No more Caramilks? No more Aeros? Why are there still so many boxes of Smarties?” Speaking of which. I think only little bitty kids like Smarties, for the colours. We get to a certain age and think, “man, Smarties stink. Too much candy coating. Where’s the chocolate?”

By the way, Pat is awesome. I am so grateful to him for letting me sleep in his guestroom for this past month. He even fed me a few times, and invited me to his moustache madness birthday party last night! I drew on a kitty-whisker moustache… it was weird, sitting in a semi-cool bar downtown, at this table full of semi-strangers all clad in fake moustaches… the pretty girls looked the weirdest. Pretty girls in black mustaches, having serious regular everyday conversations, and drinking beer… it was art in action.

I’m not quite ready to look for work yet. I think maybe an entire day off is in order? I say it with a question mark, because I’m not sure I can stand a whole day of just relaxing. I have been reprogrammed to function in the robotic fashion of ultimate productive output. Must. Find. Work.

Oh… my goodness, here I was, thinking that I must be wild and crazy, staying up late and blogging on my first free night… and nope, hey, it’s only 7:49pm. Ten-to-eight, and my ‘wild-and-crazy’ consists of eating expired chocolate and talking to a computer. Sad. Speaking of which, check out …I met Alice today. She’s a little boring, but up for a chat anytime. Have you ever spoken to a robot before? There are some interesting ones out there…just google “chat with a robot”. They function using deductionism… it’s a new theory to me. I just learned about these robots today, because you can use them to teach English. They won’t respond to incorrect grammar. Well, some of them won’t.

Well… it’s Saturday night in Vancouver… what am I doing here? I think I’ll go prowl the ‘hood. Yes, I’ll be safe. I always carry my pepper spray and wear my “don’t mess with that girl, she must be crazy” fuzzy hat.

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