Monday, November 17, 2008

Well, it turns out that EI won't pay up, because I wasn't 'ready, willing and able' to begin work at any time during my training course. I am irritated of course-- why am I paying into a program that never wants to help me when I need help?-- but I understand the logic behind it. I did leave work to go to school voluntarily. If EI paid out to every person that did the same, the coffers would be empty.

Just wish I had saved up a little more before I got myself into the program.

Anyway, the proverbial fire has been lit under my not-so-proverbial butt, and I am in the midst of a job search. There are some pretty dodgy employers out there; Hanaland comes to mind. If you were coming from halfway around the world to learn English, would you want to study at a place called Pacific Gateway International College of Canada... or would you want to study at Hanaland?

Guess it depends on what you're looking for in an English school. If a cute name is all it takes... well, good for you, Hanaland.

Pat has left me to my job search; I am listening to 'Freebird' in --what is that-- Spanish? Portuguese? It actually gains something in the translation... I'm going to miss Pat's little apartment and the quirky neighborhood around here. I love the quirky old houses with twinklelights on the banisters, and the friendly-looking newer townhouses with Tibetian prayer flags on the porches; the big trees and green yards and the funky people with cool haircuts and second-hand wool coats. This is an urban hippiedom. I like the impression I get of this place: consiousness, coolness, coffee, organic grainy goodness, community, action, interest.

Anyway, I'm heading back to Aldergrove tomorrow... with mixed feelings.

1 comment:

Gia said...

I believe that 'Freebird' improves in translation...

Best of luck back in Aldergrove. :)